Divorce or Legal Separation in Aspen, Colorado
Once you have decided to dissolve your marriage, you have the option of filing a petition for dissolution of marriage or legal separation, either individually or jointly with your spouse. For some individuals, due to religious, emotional, financial or other personal reasons, they want to obtain legal separation rather than divorce. Ultimately, either party may request a final divorce decree 6 (six) months after obtaining legal separation. (C.R.S.14-10-107.)

Determination of Child Support in Colorado
All parents, whether married or not, owe a duty of financial support to their children who are under the age of 19 or still in high school, or disabled. When the parents are no longer together, the law still requires them to continue to provide financial support to their children. This is called “child support”.

Mediation Services in Aspen and Carbondale, Colorado
We are happy to announce that attorney Joo Park has expanded her practice to include mediation. Ms. Park received her training through the Colorado Bar Association’s mediation training program, which meets the training standards of the Mediation Association of Colorado as well as the Colorado State’s Office of Dispute Resolution.

The Rules of the Road for Colorado Cyclists
I am an avid cyclist. I ride mostly on bike trails and roads. Colorado is a haven for cyclists as there are countless trails and endless roads for epic and challenging rides. While it’s always fun to be out on the road, it is also crucial for cyclists to be aware of the dangers of riding, especially on the roads shared by motor vehicles.